While working on a project with Dupont, trying to identify a use for their propietary Thermoplastic Elastomer Hytrel, I approached a non-profit organisation in South London called the Library of Things. They provide local communities with a library to borrow items that people often need to use, but not enough to warrant purchasing.

The packaging their items originally come in aren't suitable for perpetual borrowing - I proposed a packaging system the employed generative design techniques, distributed manufacturing and Dupont's new material to allow for the low-cost production of specific packaging solutions for their catalogue of items.

Working together with the organisation, we interviewed a number of their borrowers to generate an accurate product specification and brief for what was needed. After some ideation I prototyped a range of potential solutions that could be suitable.
Currently the project is on hold due to Covid-19, but we are aiming to continue the development of the project when it again becomes possible.